OCDONTARIO is an all volunteer non profit charity focused on providing help and information to children and adults with OCD and their families in Ontario.

We offer an online Directory of Clinical Services and Community Resources for children and adults in Ontario (see DIRECTORY on side menu) and several Self Help Groups for adults over 18 (see SELF HELP GROUPS on side menu), and a telephone information line staffed by volunteers to assist you with additional information (416-410-4772).

There are two very interesting OCD Research Studies underway at the University Health Network in Toronto and at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. Please click on STUDIES/SURVEYS section on the left hand side menu for additional information.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would make copies of these studies and give them to your health care professionals.

We rely partly on private sponsors and have been blessed over the last few years to receive support from Health Factory whose wonderful products came into our lives to offer such support for OCD sufferers. And to Simply Aesthetic for campaign support.